To apply, click below:

For more about the application criteria and process, see below:

Criteria for Acceptance of the Lacey Wyatt Legacy Scholarship


The Executive Committee designates these criteria for UCLA-Drew medical students to receive the scholarship are as follows:

A student must:

  1. Be a full-time freshman medical student in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in one of the medical education programs: Regular MD, the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), the PRIME-LA, and the Charles R. Drew Medical Education Program. The applicant must be in good academic and moral standing, defined as passing grades and having behavior becoming of a morally responsible individual.

  2. Not have full-time tuition support and/or other scholarships.

  3. Be involved in working with underserved communities and/or communities of color that historically have not received or been denied adequate and comprehensive health care. These activities can be discussed in the two-page concept paper that each candidate should submit as the reason why they feel deserving of the award.

  4. Demonstrate past and current significant leadership skills in order to improve healthcare in underserved communities, to teach about, advocate and articulate the climate and environment needed to ensure health equity.

  5. Acknowledge that the criteria for acceptance should be maintained each year of their medical education.

  6. Be willing to assist in making the scholarship known to students who may apply for it in their freshman year by attending events the scholarship committee will put on and by posting on social media about the scholarship.

Application Selection Process Summary

The late Lacey E. Wyatt, MD was a pioneer and leader in medically under-served communities of color.  To honor her commitment to these communities, the UCLA Black Alumni Association is thrilled to offer the Lacey E. Wyatt Legacy Scholarship to a deserving first year medical student at the David Geffen School of Medicine who has demonstrated a commitment to, as well as leadership in, underserved community. The selection process is as follows:

  1. An email is sent to all current first year medical students informing them of the scholarship and providing them access to the application. Only current first-year medical students at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA are eligible.

  2. Applications are screened to make sure all of the criteria have been met

  3. Committee members independently review each application. Committee members are instructed to rank applications based on how the application/applicant has demonstrated leadership in and a commitment to the underserved community. Each committee member selects their top three choices.

  4. The Committee convenes to discuss the applicants and answer any questions or address any questions a member may have about a particular applicant and/or application.

  5. The final applicant is selected based on the number of points received. Applicant ranked as #1 by a committee member receives 5 points, ranked as #2 receives 3 points, and ranked as #3 receives 1 point).

  6. Committee members reach a consensus on the final applicant with all members in agreement.